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Our Services

WCB Claims Management & Outsourcing Solutions

  • Program review, analysis, implementation and support

  • Individual claim consultation and advice

  • Tailored and/or partial claims management

  • outsourcing

  • Full program outsourcing

  • Return-to-work program development and

  • maintenance

  • Cost reduction and/or recovery

Team Meeting

Objections, Appeals & Employer Representation

  • Identification of objectionable issues

  • Representation at all levels of appeal

  • Claim reviews and summary reporting

  • Claim cost/benefit analysis

  • Employer representation at all onsite meetings

  • Return-to-work meetings

  • Financial, health & safety and/or claim audits

  • Ergonomic assessments

  • Mediations

green papers

Data & Financial Oversight

  • Rate group and classification reviews

  • Payroll reporting advice

  • Experience rating projections (individual claims and

  • corporate accounts)

  • Injury metrics reviews and reporting

  • Safety program analysis and governance

  • Financial program education and training for leadership

Business Meeting

All services provided can be customized to meet your needs, protecting the integrity of your current program and reducing duplication in responsibilities.

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